Welcome to morning melody, an illustration site maintained by claieth. For more information regarding this site, please visit "about" section.
Feel free to take a look and drop a message if you wish, and hope you enjoy your stay here. :)
Please do not republish and/or edit my artworks without my permission. Thank you.
English | 1024x768 | HTML4/CSS/JavaScript | Firefox/Opera
2011/09/06 - gallery: others +1.
2011/08/15 - gallery: sherlock (junk) +1. others (junk) +1.
2011/07/31 - gallery: sherlock +1.
2011/07/22 - gallery: new section - valkyria chronicles. valkyria +1.
2011/07/15 - gallery: new section - sherlock bbc.
2011/07/15 - gallery: request (junk) +1. infinite space (junk) +1. sherlock +1.
2011/07/10 - gallery: others +1
2011/07/07 - gallery: infinite space (clap-log) +1. others +1.
2011/06/30 - updated "about" section. "blog" link updated.
2011/06/30 - gallery: original - canvas ranger +1. atelier (junk) +1.
2011/06/08 - gallery: atelier +1.
2011/06/03 - gallery: original +1.
2011/05/15 - gallery: others +1.
2011/05/04 - gallery: .hack +1.
2011/04/24 - updated "about" section. gallery: others +1.
2011/03/14 - gallery: atelier (junk) +1. others (sketch) +1.
2011/02/27 - gallery: infinite space +1.
2011/02/18 - gallery: original (junk) +1.
2011/02/15 - gallery: infinite space (sketch) +1. golden sun (sketch) +1.
2011/02/08 - gallery: infinite space (junk) +1. others +1.
2011/01/31 - gallery: infinite space +1 .
2011/01/15 - gallery: .hack (clap-log) +1. golden sun +1.
2011/01/01 - gallery: golden sun +2. happy new year 2011!
2010/12/12 - gallery: golden sun +1.
2010/11/29 - gallery: infinite space +1. golden sun (log) +1.
2010/11/24 - gallery: golden sun (log) +1
2010/11/23 - gallery: new section - original. original +1.
2010/11/21 - "Golden Sun: Dark Dawn" English Release Countdown: START!!!
2010/11/21 - Site structure updated. Please update the banner address to this site!
2010/11/14 - gallery: golden sun (log) +1
2010/11/07 - site re-design (almost completed).
2010/11/07 - gallery: golden sun +1. link (favorites) +1.
Email Address:
(Please write in English or Indonesian if you can. Thank you.)
Yahoo! Messenger ID: flosca_the_drifter